Who Am I?

Hello there. My name is Suzi B. Who am I? I am a freelance graphic designer, a wannabe writer, a suppressed artist/illustrator. I am a 30-something wife, mother of 2 boys, daughter, sister and friend. I am a woman business owner. I am an animal lover. I am an idea person. I am a night owl. I am tired.
The purpose of this blog is to provide an outlet for unblocking my creativity. I am so busy every day---with clients, deadlines, kids, dinner, keeping up wih exercise/health, social plans and obligations---that I don't have time or energy for the creativity that simmers inside me. I named this blog "Going To Bed Now" because I find at 11 or 12 o'clock at night, when hubby and kids are asleep and all is quiet, my creativity must come out. If I try to supress it and go to bed, it either keeps me awake at night or seeps into my dreams. Therefore, most entries will probably be posted late at night, until I cannot keep another eye open and start to sleep on my computer.
I hope to use this blog to post fictional writings, and eventually illustrations or art. I am looking for support and encouragement, and also insight. If you have constructive criticism or words of advice, feel free to share. Please, keep it positive and helpful. Thank you!
Gratitudes: I want to recognize and thank the following: Willie Baronet, my friend and colleague, thank you for your creative encouragement and lunch get togethers. Sylvia Jones, my co-worker and friend for 10+ years, thank you for the creative volley. Your ideas spur my own and my ideas blossom under your artful eye. Candice Eisenfeld, my sister, thank you for creating beautiful art and for always being an inspiration to me. Jeff, my husband, and my boys Hayden and Jake, thank you for your support and for believing in me. My friends and family, all too numerous to name individually (please forgive), I am blessed to have you in my life. Love to you all.
Wooohooooooooo! Welcome to bloggyville! We are so glad to have you. :-) Can't wait to read and see and learn and all that.
Stay unplugged baby!
You changed your picture! The new one is very interesting....makes me want to see the rest of your face! :)
I'll check back in when I have time to read your newest story!
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